Why do you go to an event?
Seriously, think about it for a second.
If you’re like me, you can come up with lots of great, valid reasons.

  • To learn
  • To network
  • To find out what’s working for other people in your industry
  • To renew your enthusiasm for what you do

When you break it down, all those outcomes have one common end result…
To come back a changed person from who you were before.
If you come back and resume doing everything the exact same afterward, what’s the point of going?
That’s why today’s blog is designed to help you make the most of your event-going experiences. I’m sharing 6 Steps to Prioritize Tasks & Avoid Overwhelm After an Event.
Whether you’re headed to WiRE, Summit, Sales andMarketing Edge or another event, make sure to put these steps into practice.
Let’s get started!

Post-Event Step 1: Solidify Your Networking Efforts

When you were at the event, there’s a good chance you accumulated a big stack of business cards from people you met.
Instead of just sticking them in a drawer (like most people), try this:
Send each of those people a private, personalized BombBomb video to cement your relationship.
Relationships matter, and taking an hour or two to create a bunch of quick videos will do wonders for your referrals and connections you forged.

Post-Event Step 2: Review Your Business Plan

Immediately after attending an event, it’s time to take stock of your business plan within the new context of what you just learned.
This DOESN’T mean you need to blow up your existing plan entirely and start over from scratch.
It DOES mean…

  • Identifying holes where little adjustments can create a big result
  • Making sure you have a Wildly Important Goal (WIG) and that your efforts are working toward it
  • Revisiting your KPIs and how you’re tracking and scoreboarding them

Post-Event Step 3: Categorize Your Ideas

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for people after attending an event (well, a good event, anyway) is that they have so much new information swirling around their head, they don’t know how or where to start implementing it. They’re overwhelmed.
Here’s what will help… Slot all the ideas you returned home with into these five categories:

  • Moneymakers – Immediately implementable strategies that will impact your bottom line
  • Organizers – Things to help you streamline your processes and work more efficiently
  • People – Personnel you need on your team (Whether contract, freelance, part-time, full-time, etc.)
  • Tech – Technology that can make your life and business easier
  • Big Ideas – Long-term visions for where you want to take your business

Once you’ve categorized the ideas, work with your coach or an advisor based on those ideas that match your HBUT (highest and best use of time).
If you get stuck, ask yourself questions like “Which idea will give me the greatest leverage?” or “Which of these ideas is likely to create the best ROI?” Then do that one.

Post-Event Step 4: Adjust Schedule & Checklists

Based on which ideas you choose to implement first, adjust your daily and weekly schedule and checklists to include action items geared toward achieving the new objective. Make sure the actions you build into your schedule are daily disciplines that will create the results you desire.