A great brand starts with a great brand bible. Personal branding (or company branding) is all about consistency, and consistency only gets harder to maintain as your business grows. This is where having a brand bible comes into play. In this blog,…
Read MoreThe NAR Settlement Presents a Massive Opportunity The moves you make right now will have a long-lasting impact. The recent settlement proposed in the NAR lawsuit has shaken our industry and forced a lot of agents to reexamine the way they work…
Read MoreHow to Hire a Real Estate Transaction Coordinator If you don’t have a transaction coordinator (some people call them a “transactional coordinator”), you’re probably familiar with this situation: Awesome! I just got some deals under contract,…
Read MoreHow to be a successful real estate agent today is different than it was even just a few years ago – in some ways. It’s a new world out there and sometimes it can feel like everything has turned upside-down and nothing is the same. New agents…
Read MoreThe biggest killer of massive action is thinking about what actions to take. That’s why you need this 2024 checklist. 10 days. That’s all that’s left in 2023. On the one hand, it’s exciting because we’re stepping into a new year of…
Read MoreThere are affordable solutions to the real estate agent’s greatest hurdle today: the rising CaC (Client Acquisition Costs). Is it just me or has every lead gen source that agents once relied on gotten a whole lot more expensive – if it’s…
Read MoreYour real estate business plan is your greatest predictor of success… …because when done correctly, it serves as your guide for the entire year. Let me show you how to bring more certainty to what you can achieve. Our industry is going…
Read MoreA movement has started in our industry. It’s a collective act of commitment formed around a comprehensive strategy to maximize every marketing campaign’s potential. Bear with me for a second here… I swear this is going somewhere…
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