Most Watched #TomFerryShows of 2016
#5) 6 Tips to Schedule More Appointments on the Phone
You’ve heard me say it before, but “sales is the ability to ask a series of questions that naturally and automatically lead you and the prospect to a mutually desired end result.”
Here are 5 tips to help you get and close more appointments:
1. Know your customer’s pain points: market conditions, past experiences, etc.
2. Get to the point: “I’m calling today to schedule an appointment…”
3. Stand up when you are making calls: Your posture controls your emotional state.
4. Make your goal visual: Have it printed and posted up in your office.
5. Run through these three questions before making a call: What is the worst case scenario, what is the best case scenario, and what is the likely scenario?
#4) Get Noticed and Get More Deals
You already know that it is a crowded marketplace for real estate agents.
Here are a few things you can do to stay ahead of the competition:
1. Get more reviews
Reviews provide great social proof to prospective clients, and Zillow offers ways to get reviews from other things besides sales (showings, found tenants, found rentals, managed a property, etc.)
2. Use retargeting ads
Use retargeting ads to show people your ads who landed on your page but didn’t fill out a form or take an action.
3. Create a map of your transactions with customer in the area.
This is a great way to show off the homes you’ve helped customers buy and sell in the area.
#3) How to Reach a Massive Audience with Digital Marketing
4 Key strategies to improve your digital marketing:
1. Be authentic: Speak in a conversational tone that is relative.
2. Consistency: Be consistent with the types and frequency of posts you share with your fans.
3. Respond and engage: If a customer leaves a comment do your best to respond or like within 24 hours.
4. Quality marketing: The quality of your posts represents you and your brand. Make sure that that they look good!