Click here to download the PDF of the quiz.
Look at your answers and find the obvious adjustments you can make that will transform your business.
From analyzing your numbers, you can see where the gaps in your business currently are, and take action accordingly.
What got you here won’t get you there…
If you remain where you are, you become irrelevant to the vast majority of buyers and sellers.
The market and technology are always improving and you should be too.
Schedule time to work on your business.
Look at the list above, where can you best improve?
Don’t ask for it to be easier; you get better!
Feeling overwhelmed?
When you’re overwhelmed it simply means you are under planned.
Create a simple plan with 3 things you can to do be 1% better!
It is all about those small adjustments that pay dividends!
Next Steps
Take the test above and find out where the gaps are in your business.
Learn how coaching can show you what areas you need to fix to improve your business.