4. Pattern
Say things like “Has there ever been a time when…”
Have a customer think back to a time in their life that is similar to what you are asking them to do now and it didn’t work out.
Sample Pattern Script
“I can appreciate that… and…
Has there ever been a time when (something similar) and it didn’t work?
This time is exactly like that, can I explain (example).
So, are we on the same page?
Then let’s move forward and sign the offer.”
5. Agreement
Say things like: “Are we on the same page?” or “Can we move forward?”
6. Close
Now it’s time to make “the ask” and go for the close!
Your Next Steps
1. Download the free resources I mentioned in the video.
2. List out the 3-5 objections you are faced with the most, and write up the responding patterns.
3. Read and memorize those patterns.
4. WIN!
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