Ever see one of those time-lapse videos of a seed sprouting and growing into a plant?

It’s fascinating because it’s one of the only times we get to visually witness growth taking place with our own eyes.

Why do I bring it up?

Because growth doesn’t happen instantaneously. It takes time… including the systems you’ll put in place designed to make 2022 your #BestYearEver.

See where I’m going with this?


It’s Time to Start Planning

Think about your systems for a second…

If you implemented something today – a new CRM, launch a direct mail campaign, put a newfound emphasis on growing your Google reviews – when would you expect to see results?

Not today. Not tomorrow. Possibly in the next month or two. But more likely you should expect to see dividends in three to six months.



Three and a Half Months Left in 2021? Or Already in 2022?

That’s why although the calendar might say September, for business purposes, it’s already 2022.

The actions you take now likely won’t create an impact for 90, 120 or even 180 days.

Which means one thing: NOW is the time to start creating your 2022 business plan.

In fact, I’ll be leading a 90-minute business planning webinar for our coaching members next week, walking them through the 2022 business plan. (Coaching members: Block out the morning of September 16 and stay tuned for additional details to come. For those not yet in coaching… if you’ve considered joining, now is a great time to get in on the Sept. 16 webinar and start 2022 on the right path.)


A Simple Yet Important Message

So my message in today’s blog is simple – as we sit here with a few months left on the 2021 calendar, it’s not time to take your foot off the gas and wind down as the holidays approach.

Instead, it’s time to start putting your 2022 plan in place.

And then it’s time to start taking action to make 2022 your #BestYearEver.

Whether you join me on the webinar, come to the Summit, or just block out time on your calendar in the next few weeks, make sure to devote the necessary time and energy to map out what you want to happen in your life and business in 2022.

What are YOU committed to in 2022?