Your goals and ambitions aren’t just ideas of what’s possible.
They’re a reflection of the person you want to be.
And that’s important stuff.
So it’s equally important that you stick to your plan to achieve them.
It’s very easy to set goals and then gradually forget about them and revert back to your old routine.
But I won’t let that happen to you.
I want to help you achieve your goals and become who you want to be.
And I know that it all starts with some simple truths and daily disciplines.
Let’s dive in…
What’s Your Number?
I believe one of the primary reasons why people DON’T achieve their goals is because they didn’t invest the time and effort to figure out what it will take to get there.
That’s why it’s essential that you start your journey with extreme clarity on your daily number. How many conversations do you need every day to achieve your goals?
(If you don’t know, register for this free on-demand webinar, download your business plan and figure it out today!)
When you know that number, it brings consistency and steadiness to your business. It will eliminate the extreme highs and lows so many entrepreneurs deal with. And it shows you exactly what to execute every single day.
So… Do you know your daily number?
Make Success Routine
The next key to achieving your goals and becoming who you want to be is building your schedule to help you get there.
If you’re not doing this, you’re not setting yourself up for success…
…And you’ll always get pulled in a million different directions without making any real progress. You might be busy, but you’re not productive.
To me, there are six key areas of focus when it comes to your schedule.
Are you getting enough sleep?
If you’re not getting sufficient sleep, you’re only hurting yourself. You need 7-8 hours per night. Make sure you’re going to bed on time to get the rest you need to conquer the next day.
Morning Routine
What do you need to start your day on a positive note and give you the energy to start your day? It might be exercise, gratitudes, meditation, prayer, stretching, yoga… Whatever works for you, make sure it’s something that emotionally charges you. The universe can drag you down if you let it; make sure to set yourself up for success by building what you need into a daily routine to begin your day.