I love what I do.
I just wrapped up our first-ever Shift! event where I spent the last two days playing host and speaker.
But it was so much more than that for me…
Why? Because we brought in some of the most phenomenal guest speakers, and I spent much of those two days in a seat in the audience taking notes and learning from these exceptional leaders.
The event literally just ended as I’m writing this, and I’m still digesting everything that happened. But I want to share some of it with you.
In no particular order, here are some of the biggest takeaways I learned at my own event.
Tiffani Bova: Always Start with This
Tiffani got things started with this fantastic insight:
“Behind every decision you make should be your clients. Then you know you’re making moves for the right reasons.”
Basically, everything you do should take the customer’s experience into mind. If you’re not doing this, you’ve lost sight of the most important aspect of your business.
Bill Pipes: How Leaders Coach People to Greatness
What do you do when performance isn’t where you want it to be? Hire more people to increase production?
“Adding more people to an ineffective system is not the answer,” said our own master sales trainer and presenter of Sales Edge Bill Pipes.
Here at Shift!, Bill tackled the task of teaching the real estate leaders in attendance how to coach their own agents to greatness, walking them through the six steps of the coaching experience: Goal setting, exploration, options, decision, action and accountability.
Great stuff, Bill!
Jay Abraham: How to Grow Your Business
“You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don’t see them.”
Marketing consultant Jay Abraham shared his decades of wisdom with the crowd by presenting three simple ways to grow your business and three more strategies for advanced growth.
- Increase your number of clients
- Increase your average sales price
- Increase frequency of your referrals
Which of those can you focus on to impact your bottom line?
(Sorry, I’m not giving away his three advanced growth strategies.)
Mark Roberge: Look at Your Business from the Outside In
Former HubSpot CRO Mark Roberge urged us all to stop looking at our businesses from the old, “inside-out” perspective of:
- We have a product to sell
- We have salespeople
- Those salespeople need to connect with and sell to consumers
Instead, we need to look from the “outside in,” which looks like this:
- Who is our consumer?
- How can our salespeople fill a need for this consumer?
- What is really our product?
This means salespeople need to learn to walk in the consumer’s shoes.
This means management needs to train salespeople to truly understand the consumer.
This means top salespeople need to talk less and listen more.
Here’s my questions for you: How much time are you spending studying your consumer? How much effort are you putting in to get to know them? Do you have personas of different client types written out so you better understand the motivations and tendencies of the people you work with most frequently?
If you want to succeed in this business, you’d better.