You can romanticize it… snuggling up with a good book next to the fireplace on a chilly autumn night.
Or you can be straightforward about it… educating yourself and arming yourself with new tactics as the New Year approaches.
Either way, Q4 is a fantastic time to dive into some great books.
I recently posted this simple question on Instagram:

It got such great engagement, I thought I’d use today’s blog to dive deeper into why these 15 books are so instrumental to me.
Let’s go!

All Marketers are Liars & Poke the Box | Seth Godin

Anything Seth Godin does always gets me thinking in new and different ways. “All Marketers are Liars” stresses the importance of storytelling in your marketing, while “Poke the Box” will provoke you to get off your ass and into massive action.

Building a Storybrand | Donald Miller

If you’ve ever felt that your marketing isn’t resonating with your audience, read this book. Donald Miller identifies seven ways to connect with people… and get them to take the action you desire.

Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers | Robert Kriegel and David Brandt

A timeless book that asks you to look at what you’re doing and identify those “that’s just how I’ve always done it” processes that are holding you back from growth and greatness.

The CEO Who Sees Around Corners | Jay Abraham and Carlos Dias

You know of my affection for Jay Abraham, and this is the book you need if you’re a team leader or in any management position in your organization. The real-world examples and concepts will help you view your business in a new light within today’s rapidly changing business environment.

The Essential Drucker & The Five Most Important Questions | Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker’s words of wisdom fill countless pages in the world, but “The Essential Drucker” boils down 60 years of insights into his most essential thoughts on management. “The Five Most Important Questions” poses five extremely simple questions that lead to deep answers… answers that shed light on who you are, why you do what you do and how you can do it better.