One of the questions I hear most when people meet me is this:
“What’s in that bottle on your desk during the #TomFerryShow?”
Enough people have asked me that it finally dawned on me…
Why not write a blog to tell people all about my health-related regimen?
So that’s what this is.
Today I’m excited to share 12 tips straight from my own daily, weekly and monthly health playbook, complete with links to the products I use, the people I trust with my health and whatever else comes to mind.
Let’s get started!
Disclaimer: This is not intended as medical advice. This is just what I do. Always seek the advice of your physician before blah blah blah… ?
1. Exercise 5 Days a Week While Drinking an Energy Formula Drink
If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’ve made a commitment to work out 250 times in 2018. That means exercising 5 days a week with my trainer, Richard Farley, Jr. During every workout, I’m drinking an energy drink from Level Ten Health, which my wife, Kathy, developed. As a result, I was one of the many test subjects and I’m down two and a half inches in my waist!
2. Morning Power Shake, Focus Pills and Brain Octane
My mornings include a Power shake and Focus pills, again both from Level Ten Health. I also take Brain Octane from Bulletproof.
3. Sleep Cycle App
The Sleep Cycle app is amazing for analyzing your sleep and waking you up when you feel most rested.
4. Standing Desks
Have you heard… Sitting is the new smoking! Don’t believe me? Read this article in TIME Magazine. I’m a big believer in stand-up desks. Throughout our offices we utilize VARIDESK to give our employees the option of standing or sitting. In my office, I have two motorized, adjustable height desks created by NextDesk, which is now known as XDesk.
5. Balance Board
Even when I’m seemingly “standing still” – conducting a coaching call, shooting the #TomFerryShow, etc. – I’m often in motion and expending energy thanks to my Fluidstance Balance Board. Try it!
6. Sleepytime Tea
I’m a fan of these Yogi teas specifically geared toward achieving rest and relaxation.
7. Pzizz and Headspace Apps
Pzizz is an excellent tool for power napping. It’ll help you fall asleep fast and wake up completely refreshed. Headspace is a phenomenal meditation app that lives up to its slogan, “A few minutes could change your whole day.”
8. Eat More Greens
This one is simple and to the point: 50 percent of my plate is always greens.
9. Drink 4 Liters of Water Daily
I get cases of Penta ultra-pure water delivered and drink 4 bottles a day.