It’s All About Discipline
This is an untraditional panel… instead of speaking in vague generalities all of these agents dove deep into the nitty gritty of what makes their business thrive.
Eileen Rivera shared that being consistent in doing her morning routine gave her business the necessary lift.
“I have a gift for what I do. I have a knack at it, maybe it’s a Latina thing,” Eileen says.
Like many agents, she can easily list and sell houses, but admits she was once inconsistent. That all changed when she started to treat it like a business and not a job.
“The one thing that will outperform talent, every day of the week is discipline. You have to take on the discipline,” she declares.
Eileen shares that her discipline really developed when she focused on being consistent with three elements of her morning routine.
Writing her 10 daily gratitudes, exercise, and doing her calls made it so much easier to build momentum and witness herself making magic. She goes on to share that over the years her routine has evolved depending on her needs.
By designing your morning with what you know is important, you’ll make your routine easier, but remember that you have to stick to it if you want to see positive results!
Evolve with Video
Chris Kwon is a solo agent based in Irvine, California. He loves video and that passion began when his daughter was born.
He wanted to document her life and he dove deep into making family vlogs – and at the time, he was having issues with his videographer of not meeting deadlines and having to wait long periods of time for small edits.
Chris started to incorporate the video aspect to his business and discovered he loved it.
“It was the key for me to get into a farm that I couldn’t get into for a year and a half,” he says.
He was doing everything – mailing, ads, email marketing, door knocking – and received no listings from that farm. That all changed when he started to consistently create videos. The calls came rushing in.
The power of video is so great that it no longer required him to pitch a listing presentation. People grew to know and trust Chris directly from his videos, and would simply call and ask him to come list their house when the time came.
Chris even shared useful advice that can help you overcome your fear of being in front of the camera.
“My goal for making videos is that I wanted to attract people I would enjoy working with,” Chris states.
The best way for that to happen? Chris has made sure that his personality shines through his videos.
Chris also gave important video ideas that reinforce his brand voice around listings such as ‘Coming Soon Listings’ and ‘How Can I Sell Your Home for Top Dollar’.
Once you start making your videos with the audience that you’re intending to work with, remember to distribute them in all the social platforms! So get over your fear of doing video and start now!