Sometimes we all have “one of those days.”

Maybe you’re feeling unmotivated.

Maybe you’re feeling stuck, not knowing what to do next.

Maybe it feels like you’re just going through the motions.

If you’ve ever experienced any of those feelings, here’s my advice in five simple words:

“Who can I help today?”

Focus on Helping Others, and the Rest Will Follow

Here’s the thing: Real estate sales is all about helping people.

You’re fortunate that unlike selling copy machines or insurance policies, you don’t really have to “sell” the product. People are excited to buy and sell homes. Moving often means progressing to the next stage of life… a bigger home for an expanding family, retiring to a smaller home, buying a vacation residence.

All you have to do is focus on serving and helping those people.

So when you’re feeling blah, ask yourself that question.

Because the answer takes you to good places.