Elite+ Retreat Takeaway #4: Embody the AOTF
When I presented this topic at the Retreat, one person in attendance guessed that AOTF meant “attitude of Tom Ferry.”
That probably wouldn’t be a bad thing to adopt, but it’s not exactly what I meant by AOTF.
I’m talking about acting like and becoming the Agent Of The Future.
Think about it… iBuyers and other alternative methods are growing every day.
To compete, you need to evolve. You need to raise your standards. You need to start acting like the Agent Of The Future… right now!
What does that entail? 3 things:
- It means your marketing and business development attracts, nurtures and converts at scale.
- Your brand building efforts put you on the consideration set for thousands of people considering a move.
- You’re no longer conducting sales pitches. Instead, you’re doing “trusted advisor consultations” that demonstrate empathy and bring humanity back to every transaction you’re involved with. In a world that is looking to automate everything, re-inject that human touch and consider the ripple effect your actions will have on people’s lives.
Elite+ Retreat Takeaway #5: Live at #LEVEL10
I want the best for you. Not only in business, but in your health and vitality, your relationships, your mindset and intellect, spiritually and in how you contribute to the world. Are you living at #Level10 in all those aspects of your life?
Quick note: Review the last 4 takeaways and text me at 949-216-5466 what standards you have for yourself for #NDBSTPCF, your systems, AOTF and #Level10.
Elite+ Retreat Takeaway #6: Todd Herman Kicks Ass!
Tell me if this sounds familiar…
You’re sitting at home, thinking about the next day and you have every intention to go in and “kill it” on the phone the next morning.
But come morning, it doesn’t happen. Maybe you got derailed. Maybe you lost your mojo. Maybe you were scared of being rejected. It doesn’t really matter why… you didn’t do it, and as a result, your business is hurting.
Todd Herman once felt that way, and then he adopted an alter ego to blast right through those barriers. He later went on to write his fantastic book, The Alter-Ego Effect.
And on Monday as the keynote speaker at Elite+ Retreat, he shared some real gems of wisdom…
He says you need to custom-build and choose how you want to be showing up in the most important moments of your life. Because when you find your alter ego and discover how to flip that switch, nothing will stand in your way. He then added:
“Sometimes you’ve gotta kill the person you were shaped into being to become the person you want to be.”
That was just one of countless amazing insights he shared with us all at the event. Thanks Todd!
Elite Retreat Takeaway #7: SO. MUCH. GENIUS. IN. THIS. GROUP!
Elite+ Retreat is a little bit different of an event because it’s not all just me blabbing on stage. About half of the event is dedicated to breaking up into specialized mastermind groups to engage with and learn from others in attendance.
Here’s a little sampling from the 53(!) amazing mastermind sessions that took place:
- Christophe Choo led “Master Video Marketing” where he revealed in great detail exactly how he generates so many high-quality leads through his neighborhood video tours.
- Notorious-in-our-ecosystem phone prospector Devin Tryan shared his phone prospecting secrets and role played with agents on setting Expired appointments. He talked about the importance of using assumptive language, knowing how many calls it will take to generate a conversation, how he uses his Mojo dialer and more!
- Mihal Gartenberg spearheaded “Best and Worst Practices for Commercials” where she covered how to reach targeted audiences with video commercials, how to construct different commercials for your sphere vs. those who don’t know you, the importance of storytelling in your commercials, how humor can play an important role in video and much more!
- Jubril Wilson & Mary Layton tag-teamed the topic of “Growing New Construction/Builder Referrals,” sharing their personal insights into how to create lucrative win-win relationships with builders – even in an era when many builders don’t want to pay an agent!
- Coach Janet Miller led a group on “How to Journal Your Way to Your Goals,” including gems like making sure you establish your 3DO, or three daily outcomes. She also shared how every evening she reviews her day’s wins, losses and how she can improve. Are you doing these things? You should be!
- HomeServices of America CEO and longtime friend Gino Blefari attracted a packed room full of eager listeners as he shared the keys to his “West Coast Offense” for real estate. In short, it boils down to FOCUS, LEVERAGE, ENGAGEMENT and ACCOUNTABILITY. He says you absolutely must have an accountability partner in your life and business. “When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, improvement accelerates.”
- Lisa Doyle’s “Conquering Lead Conversion” mastermind included nuggets like “If you’re going to teach your team lead generation, you’ve gotta be right there in the trenches with them.” If you’re not setting that example for others, you will not get the level of adoption and buy-in you desire.
Elite+ Retreat Takeaway #8: Should You Be on TikTok & More Pressing Marketing Matters
Our own marketing guru Jason Pantana took to the stage to share insights on Google ads, Instagram ads, how to grow your social followers and more.
But two things really stood out from Jason’s talk…
One, this quote:
“Everything that can be video will be video.” Think about that.
Two, TikTok really?
Well, maybe. Jason says if you are already killing it on other platforms, now’s the time to become an early adopter on TikTok. He showed some examples of how agent Zachary Foust is using TikTok to share fun and informative real estate videos that are getting huge viewership!
Elite Retreat Takeaway #9: Google & Outlook are Not Email Service Providers
I pulled out some lessons from our own bag of marketing tricks to reveal some insights into how to up your game when it comes to email marketing.
First off, I want people to understand that Google and Outlook are not at the level you need to conduct effective email marketing.
Second, you can grow your email subscriber list by creating valuable market-related content that requires a free subscription. Always remember: The goal for every one of your emails is to drive people to your website.
Elite+ Retreat Takeaway #10: Ask Yourself These Questions…
I closed out the event by challenging attendees to first look inward, and then to visualize themselves at the end of 2020.
Ask yourself these questions and see where you end up at the end of the year…
What one or two pieces of your business will you improve and document monthly?
What part of your business needs to be turned into a checklist?
Are you understaffed… Who do you need to hire in the next 12 months?
What are the holes or breakage points in your current systems and how will you fix them?
What are three things your coach will be most proud of you for at the end of 2020?
I Didn’t Even Mention the Party
OH, AND THE PARTY! I didn’t even mention the epic Lunar New Year-themed party on Monday night yet! We had dragon dancers, a wishing tree, drinks and dancing and tons of fun!
As you can see, it was another fantastic Elite+ Retreat jam-packed with the modern strategies and information that agents need to excel in today’s market. Huge thanks to everyone who came and committed yourself to furthering your greatness.
If you’re kicking yourself for missing out, make sure to join us next time. You can “invite yourself” by joining Elite+ coaching. Click the GO ALL-IN banner below to take that first step toward a better you… and secure your entry to the next Elite+ Retreat!