Thousand of clients come to me each year asking the same question:

“What can I do to create consistent momentum so that I’m making the most of every day and every opportunity?”

Here is what I see time and time again…
We aren’t lacking in motivation or a willingness to create momentum.
Where we get off track is in the missteps, the lack of rituals or adherence to well-defined schedules and goals.
So, the moment we experience a tiny defeat, we guilt ourselves into a negative pattern of thinking which causes us to stumble again.
And, then again.
Or, even worse, we give up entirely.
As I discussed in one of my most recent blog posts, Time Management and the Power of Systems, having proven systems you can use again and again ensures you not only manage your time efficiently, it gives you an edge over distractions.
Using those systems means you are creating more freedom, not less.
And these same systems set you up for perhaps the little-known secret to achieving massive success: small wins that happen daily.

Want to hear the simple truth?

It’s the small wins, day after day, which produce momentum leading to massive results.
Simply ‘trying harder’ will almost never work.
You need repeatable systems you can employ again and again to sustain long-term effort and effects.
We trick ourselves into believing if we could find just one more piece of advice – that one ‘silver bullet’ to answer all of our questions – we would be set for life.
Simply learning one more tactic, watching one more video or downloading one more podcast will not likely give you that edge you are looking for.
You need a system.
A simple, proven, step-by-step system that will simplify your efforts, maximize your results and and leave more time to do more of what you love to do.

Work by design, not by default. – Tom Ferry