It’s always important to take a step back every now and then to evaluate your business.
That’s what I’m asking you to do today.
I’ve identified seven categories I consider instrumental to every sales professional’s success.
What I want you to do is rate yourself in each of them. You can go it alone if you want, but if you can get an outside perspective – your broker, team members, a colleague, etc. – all the better!
Let’s Get Started
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (10 being best) on each of these crucial components of your business:
- Belief/Self-Confidence
All success starts with belief. How strongly do you believe you can excel in this business? Are you lacking the confidence necessary to break through to achieve everything you truly want from your business?
- Plan
Do you have a business plan? Are you following it? Is it specific enough so you always know exactly what to do, or is it lacking? Does it spell out your long-term vision for where your business is headed in three years, five years, 10 years?
- Marketing
Do you always have sufficient leads or do you often wonder where the next one will come from? Is your lead gen strategy properly diversified or does it rely too much on one or two methodologies?
- Conversion Skills
How confident are you in your ability to turn a lead into a client? How’s your phone prospecting game? Do you have a listing presentation that sets you apart or are you doing the same, tired things every agent does?
- Habits
How’s your discipline? Are you doing the things every day that will give you the power? Do you do them for short bursts but struggle to keep up when things get busy?
- Systems
What would happen if you stopped coming to work for a day, a week or a month? Would business continue without you or would everything come to a grinding halt? How systematized are your processes?
- Team
What’s your team look like vs. your ideal? Are you flying solo? Are your team members operating within clearly defined roles so they are able to play to their strengths?