Here’s the situation:
You have a big project coming up that requires everything you’ve got…
Maybe it’s an important listing presentation, or mapping out your marketing strategy. Or maybe it’s finally mastering that elusive script you need to reach the next level, developing your long-term vision or just figuring out how to better operationalize and organize your business.
Whatever it is, this much you know for sure: This project needs your undivided attention, and there’s no way that’s happening in your everyday work environment.
Sound relatable?
I know this feeling, too.
About a decade ago, I developed a great technique for conquering these big, important projects that move your business forward. I’ve been using this approach ever since, and I want to share it with you today.
Keep reading for all the details.
Creating Extraordinary Results Begins with Getting Out of the ‘Ordinary’
If you follow me on social media, you may have seen I recently spent a couple days in an oceanfront hotel room in Laguna Beach prepping for this summer’s Success Summit.
It’s my chance to clear away all the distractions and focus on creating the best experience possible for everyone in attendance. (Check out the updated Summit page for the topics we’re gonna cover and special guests we’ve booked… you WON’T want to miss it!)
Now… could I do this in the office? Maybe. But I can guarantee that the results wouldn’t be the same.
Simply put, to create work that’s “outside the norm,” you need a place that’s outside the norm.
Just to be clear, I’m not trying to take credit for inventing the concept of an off-site productivity session. Far from it. I just know that for me to release both my creative and strategic processes, it’s better to be away from the office.
Ideally, you find somewhere that inspires you… an environment that CREATES ideas. For me, that brings to mind two different locations: Either hearing the waves crash on the sand in a beachfront room, or getting away to the solitude of a mountain retreat like Jackson Hole.
You’ve Picked Your Spot. Now What?
I’m now going to explain my process when mapping out content for the four days of Summit. Use this as a guideline for your own projects, keeping in mind that obviously your preferences might be different than mine, so adjust accordingly to make this work best for you.
When I first arrive, I lay everything out – quotes, ideas I’ve written down, recent topics I’ve discussed, old talks that can be updated. It’s A LOT of stuff. I also bring a huge stack of plain white paper because I prefer writing everything out by hand.
In addition to all this content, I bring supplies and things to establish the right mood:
- My favorite ballpoint pens with four different colors of ink
- A stapler
- Water
- My Focus pills
- A Bluetooth speaker
- Kelly Howell’s “High Focus, Creativity, Energizer” music
- Classical music… Vivaldi, Handel, and other “brain stimulating music”