Tom B. Tip No. 1: Hyper-Specificity is Crucial
“If you don’t know exactly what your goal is, you’re never going to achieve it.”
How specifically have you defined your goals?
Having a vague picture of what you want to achieve will never compel you to get there.
You need to get “hyper-specific,” Tom says.
I couldn’t agree more. Drill down and identify the exact achievement you want, and then watch how powerful that will become for you.
Tom B. Tip No. 2: No One “Finds” Their Passion. It’s a Process.
“The game you’re playing isn’t money or success. It’s brain chemistry.”
Tom dispels the notion that people think they can “find” their passion in life.
In reality, it’s a much more involved process, he says.
First you must encounter a lot of different things.
You need to see which ones create a “flicker of interest.”
The next step is to engage with those ones and do them more.
If any of them turn into a fascination, then seek mastery, because mastery is an inherent part of passion.
This is the process to find what will truly be cognitively rewarding for you… that thing that you will pour yourself into naturally and wholeheartedly – and actually enjoy!
Tom B. Tip No. 3: Identity Drives Behavior
“You need to say to yourself, ‘I’m the type of person who __________.’”
How you see yourself can radically alter your behaviors.
Tom says to use your identity as the leverage point to change your behavior.
When you want to adopt a new behavior, start by telling yourself, “I’m the type of person who…” and fill in that blank.
“…makes phone calls every Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.”
“…works out before 7:00 a.m. five days a week.”
“…never misses my daughter’s softball game.”
Get the idea?
Not only does this train your brain to believe this, but it holds you accountable to your word.
Try it and see what happens!