Chances are you might have some “down time” over the next week or so before ramping back up for the new year.
I’m going to suggest a fun exercise to make good use of that time – and it can even involve your family members! Consider it part crafting and part goal setting. Because it’s never too early to introduce your kids to the power of goal setting and visualization. (Not to mention the extra accountability you’ll receive by involving your family in your 2019 goals.)
This exercise has the power to help make your goals more attainable in 2019.
Let’s call it: Vision Board 2.0.
This Ain’t Your Father’s Vision Board
Admittedly, the idea of making a vision board is nothing new.
But in case you’re unfamiliar, it’s a great way to create a strong emotional connection with your goals.
We’re visual people… when we see something, it makes it possible.
So the idea of making a vision board is to use images and words that represent our ideal future – our dreams, our goals, our ideas.
Here at TFHQ, we typically conduct a vision board exercise for our employees once a year. Everyone brings in magazines to share and spends and hour or two finding images that represent their personal and professional aspirations. Then they cut out and glue those photos, words and ideas to a poster board to keep “up and visual” at their desks or offices throughout the year.
It’s a great exercise that doesn’t require much time and definitely makes a lasting impact.
But that’s not all… to bring the concept of creating a vision board into the present day, I’ve added some new elements that make it much more effective. How do you make a vision board? Keep reading…