Few people – if any – have influenced my perspective on marketing more than the one and only Seth Godin.
He’s written a bunch of great books. (I actually own two prized copies of his epic 17-pound release.)
His blog is legendary.
He’s launched countless successes through his AltMBA and Akimbo workshops.
And now… He’s appearing at our flagship event, Success Summit on October 6!
I couldn’t be more excited.
And I hope you share my enthusiasm, because I know Seth will be able to pinpoint the challenges our industry is facing today and share his wisdom on how to overcome them.
Would it be unreasonable for me to hope you join us? You have two options – you can attend in-person in Dallas or you can experience Summit virtually via Livestream.
(Yes, I just used a technique taught by a 2019 Summit keynote speaker. Did you pick up on it?)
Obviously, Seth is more than enough reason to join us. But here are nine more reasons why you should really consider committing to Success Summit today…
Reason No. 2 to Attend Success Summit 2021: The Theme
This year’s Summit theme is Real Estate 2025: Future-Proof Your Business.
If it’s not obvious, lots of money is being spent trying to change the game in our industry – specifically trying to eliminate agents altogether, or at the minimum, take a big bite out of your commissions by selling you leads in return for a generous referral fee.
What’s your plan to defend your position? If you already have one, great!
If you don’t, I hope to see you at Summit so I can help you take the right actions now to establish yourself as the go-to resource in your market – before it’s too late and Big Tech infiltrates your neighborhood.
Reason No. 3 to Attend Success Summit 2021: Free Marketing Content to “Rip-Off and Duplicate”
Do you ever agonize over a marketing piece because you wonder whether or not it’s going to work? (If not, I’d guess you’ve never done any marketing.)
Well, I want to remove that guesswork from the equation.
By giving you a packet of proven marketing materials being used by real-world agents just like you. I’ve asked some of the best in the business to share what’s working for them, and I can’t wait to show you when you join me at Success Summit!
Reason No. 4 to Attend Success Summit 2021: Mystery Keynote Speaker
If you’ve checked out this year’s Summit agenda, you might’ve noticed there’s another, as-yet-unnamed keynote speaker slated to appear.
I can’t tell you much more – just yet – but I will say this mystery speaker is full of boundless energy and has a great, extremely relevant story to share with you. You won’t want to miss it!
Reason No. 5 to Attend Success Summit 2021: The 15-Month Year
Traditionally, Success Summit has taken place in August, covering big-picture ideas to implement in the coming months as you finish strong and begin planning for the following year.
With this year’s transition to early October dates, together we will launch you straight into 2022 full of inertia and fueled by all the learnings over three days at Summit.
I’m calling it “The 15-Month Year” and it promises to be a game-changer.
Show up October 5-7 ready to learn and be prepared to hit the ground running when you return home October 8.
Reason No. 6 to Attend Success Summit 2021: Make It a Double!
No, I’m not talking about your drink order at the hotel bar during Success Summit.
I’m talking about the return of WiRE, the premier female-focused event for forward-thinking real estate professionals.
If you’re attending in person, pick up a ticket to WiRE for the Monday afternoon before Success Summit begins!
Featuring keynote speakers Debbie Holloway and Betty Graham, WiRE will tackle some of the biggest issues facing professional women today. Such as:
- How to finally make “work/life balance” a reality for you
- The 7 Ds to success
- How to become a bad-ass leader
- Video creation tips, and much more!
Get more info and reserve your spot here.
Reason No. 7 to Attend Success Summit 2021: Listing Attraction, Simplified
We all know listings are the name of the game in controlling today’s market.
That’s why at Success Summit, I’m going to provide you with comprehensive case studies on a variety of today’s most effective listing lead sources.
And when I say comprehensive, I mean it! I’m talking about getting into the nitty gritty to find out exactly how they implement, who they target, what they say and more.
My vision is for you to be able to take what you learned, choose two or three of the strategies presented, and return to your office with all the information you need to create the same successful results in your own business.
Don’t miss out on these proven techniques top agents are using now!
Reason No. 8 to Attend Success Summit 2021: Introducing the Summit Speaker Series!
Kicking off Success Summit on Tuesday morning will be a series of inspirational and educational speeches by real-world agents who are killing it and willing to share the secrets to their successes with you.
I’m confident these agents will set the tone for three days of training designed to help you break through barriers and outperform the competition.
Reason No. 9 to Attend Success Summit: You Need to Recharge!
With few live events since early 2020, when’s the last time you actually got out to recharge your batteries?
Success Summit 2021 will include all the fun, energy and networking Summit is known for while ALSO complying with precautionary procedures to ensure your safety as much as possible.
Whether you attend in person or virtually, you’ll have an opportunity to learn from other attendees, network and devote three days to working “on” your business. When’s the last time you did that? You’re overdue!
Reason No. 10 to Buy Your Success Summit Ticket Now!
Prices increase on Saturday, August 7… so why pay more?
(Coaching members and Sphere training subscribers: Be sure to log in to access your discounted pricing.)