Search Results for: tomferryshow
They say, “Strike while the iron is hot.” And in real estate, the iron has most certainly been hot for some time. At a certain point, you’ve got to ask: How many times can you keep striking until you strike out? For the last nine months or so,…
Read MoreWelcome to the Local Business “Leg Up” Challenge. There are no rules. There’s no hashtag. There are no prizes. It’s just about doing your part to help fellow entrepreneurs in need. While we in real estate are fortunate to be able to continue…
Read MoreI know a lot of people who achieved truly extraordinary sales years in 2020. Yet back in early/mid-March, many of those same people felt frozen in their tracks, wondering if they’ll be able to sell another house until the pandemic was over. So…
Read More“But everything we hear, the market is crazy… Everything is selling quickly for top dollar. Why haven’t you been able to sell our house?” This is not a fun conversation to find yourself in. But it’s an occasional reality of today’s…
Read MoreThere are few things better than getting a “Come list me” call completely out of the blue. But a lot has to fall in place before that happens… People have to recognize you and know a little bit about you. They need to trust you. They need to…
Read MoreIf you’re sick of feeling – scratch that – knowing that you’re capable of more, but just can’t seem to get over that hurdle, today’s #TomFerryShow is for you. Sometimes it’s about going back to the fundamentals and making sure you’re…
Read MoreToday’s #TomFerryShow is an excerpt from tomorrow’s special Thanksgiving week episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience. Be sure to listen to the whole episode tomorrow! When you get in your car, do you have an intent of where you want to go?…
Read MoreDo you want to be more efficient in 2021? Do you want to attract business more easily in 2021? Do you want to sleep well at night in 2021 – and beyond – because your finances are in good shape? If you answered a resounding YES to each of those,…
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