See that picture up above? It’s been a long time since we’ve had that kind of electric energy in a room. Which is just one of many reasons why I can’t wait for Summit to begin next Tuesday! Here are 10 more… Reason No. 1: Hugs…
Read More100 days… Tick tock, tick tock. Whether you’re looking to finish the year strong or wanting to set yourself up for success next year, now is the time to act. And I’ve got six steps for you to follow that will make both possible. I call it…
Read MoreI couldn’t help but smile. I was reading a post in one of our private mastermind groups for coaching members where one guy posted a concern about a marketing piece he had hired someone to create. The details don’t really matter. The short…
Read MoreEver see one of those time-lapse videos of a seed sprouting and growing into a plant? It’s fascinating because it’s one of the only times we get to visually witness growth taking place with our own eyes. Why do I bring it up? Because growth…
Read MoreHere’s a quick recap of the last 20 months… Start. Stop. Start again. Go. Go. Go! Never slow down! 2020 started with a bang, the market was hot, then Covid introduced tons of tragedy, fear and uncertainty… and pretty much brought real…
Read MoreAre you all in? Or are you just sorta dabbling in real estate, hoping for what you’ve heard is quick, easy money? Both of these personas exist in our industry. But only one has longevity… the real “professionals” will always outlast the…
Read MoreWho remembers “The Decision” in 2010 when a 25-year-old LeBron James warranted an hour-long live TV special to announce that he was “taking his talents to South Beach”? Why was it such a big deal? Because at 25 and already a two-time league…
Read MoreI’ve often said your role as a real estate professional is to solve problems for a profit. The agents who are figuring out how to solve today’s problems are killin’ it… And those who aren’t putting in that effort are, well, struggling….
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