Real Estate Facebook Marketing
Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with a massive 2.85 billion users, so it should come as no surprise that real estate Facebook marketing can take your business to the next level. Research has shown that converting a potential lead into a client takes around 14 touchpoints. Below, we provide the knowledge you need to integrate Facebook into your real estate marketing to easily and effectively reach those valuable leads.
What is Real Estate Advertising on Facebook?
Facebook advertising falls into one of two categories: organic or paid. Organic advertising results from followers and their shares. It is everything someone naturally sees based on the engagement of likes, comments, and post shares. Paid advertising puts your boosted content in front of people who have similar likes, but are not yet following your page.
All Facebook real estate marketing strategies focus on a central core value of being useful to a potential client. Whether you are advertising by sharing posts, or by creating engaging advertisements, your content should have some use to a prospective buyer or seller. This will lead to additional ‘engagement,’ which is measured in views, shares, likes, and comments on Facebook.
Successful Facebook real estate lead generation occurs when someone engages with your advertisements and decides that you are an expert in the industry. They might learn about you from content one of their friends shared, or from an advertisement that was specifically placed to target their geographical data. Lead generation is the end goal of all real estate Facebook marketing.
How to Create a Facebook Page for a Real Estate Agent
To get started with an online presence on Facebook, you should first create a ‘Page’ for your business. This is not the same as your own personal account and will be tied to your personal account. Your Facebook business Page should tell people who you are, what your specialties are, and most importantly — how to reach you. No matter what Facebook real estate marketing strategy you employ, you should be prepared to respond promptly to comments, shares, and messages.
There is a generic wizard that Facebook utilizes to help you set up the basic information for your Page. Once your page is set up, invite your friends and family to like your page! There’s a generic option to ‘invite friends’ that will send your personal friends and family a subtle notification.
How to Create a Facebook Page for a Real Estate Group or Team
The goal of any group of team pages is to share content that highlights the individual pages of the entire team. This might mean sharing posts that highlight properties for sale, upcoming open house events, birthdays and awards won in the industry. The Facebook Page should clearly identify and be linked to members of the group and team so that they can easily be engaged. Additionally, individual pages can share content that is conveyed through the Group or Team page, providing a symbiotic relationship where content is shared amongst the pages.
Lead generation for groups and teams doesn’t solely focus on serving a singular agent. Instead, it works to bring in more business for the collective, placing leads with the most capable and available agent. Determining who gets the lead generated from a team page is determined by several factors including; location, availability, experience, and ability to handle additional incoming leads.
Facebook Real Estate Lead Generation
Real estate Facebook marketing can have many different approaches on the platform. You can have a successful presence through word of mouth, shares, comments, likes, and views. This is called ‘organic engagement. Additionally, if you are new to the field or lack exposure, you might want to invest in marketing engagement — where you pay Facebook to put your content in front of people who might be interested based on a number of different factors.
Facebook marketing allows you to select your potential audience. Are you an expert when working with military families? You can select interests that would relate to that. If you’re looking to hone in on a specific part of town, you can also target advertisements for people that live in specific areas (down to zip codes and city names even).
When you started working on your real estate marketing plan, you envisioned your ideal client. Pull from that recollection, and utilize marketing guidelines to create that ideal client. This is a great example of how Facebook and real estate marketing meet.
Other Facebook Marketing Strategies for Real Estate
Determining what to post is half the fun of the page! With Facebook’s Business Suite, you have the opportunity to identify key times your leads are online and make your posts ‘go live’ at these specific times. This is an incredibly useful Facebook real estate marketing strategy you will want to utilize because if people don’t see your content, is there a point in posting it?
Here are a few suggestions when creating content to go live on Facebook:
- Use engaging images and graphics that make people want to see more.
- Share content that is interesting or relevant to the people you are attempting to reach.
- Use events to highlight open houses and other opportunities that you will be out in the community and reachable. Invite everyone!
- Share articles and information that is happening in the community. As you are a real estate expert, you should know what’s going on in the community, like garage sales, construction projects, etc.
- With permission, post pictures of your real clients with their new houses. You’re helping make dreams come true!
- Share real estate news and stories. Are events happening that will immediately influence the market? Let your followers know.
Get Started With Real Estate Facebook Marketing
There are a lot of variables when configuring real estate Facebook marketing. Successful agents gain experience with placing advertisements with the social media platform to increase their scope and visibility, as well as know-how to capitalize on their existing personal sphere and that of their followers.
If you’re unsure of where to start, or how to configure your Facebook Page for the most exposure and lead generation, consider talking with an experienced real estate coach. With decades of experience, our coaches are well equipped to help you make the best moves for exposure on the internet. Try a free consultation today to get started!