You come to me for raw advice you can use, right?

So today I’m hoping you’ll give me the latitude to get real with you…

That’s what a coach does. Sometimes I have to confront people on the stories they’re telling themselves.

And when somebody tells me what’s holding them back is fear of failure, or in other cases, fear of success… it’s time to address the four real issues I typically see preventing them from greatness.

Let’s talk about it…

Do You Lack Clear, Meaningful Goals?

If you’ve ever told yourself you have a fear of failure or fear of success, the first question I would ask you is simple…

What are your goals?

And then from there, I’d want to make sure those goals were both clear and meaningful.

Because here’s the thing… when your ambitions are big enough and clear enough, it’s very easy to get into action. You’ll practically be compelled to do it. You’ll wake up every day excited to tackle the day and move yourself closer to the accomplishment of your goal.

Clear, meaningful goals will conquer that supposed “fear” of failure.

So my first suggestion for you is to look inside yourself and identify what, exactly, you want. Dream big. Write it all out in specific detail. And then create new goals based on what you discover about yourself.

Do You Lack Clarity on the Disciplines Required to Succeed?

Others who cite fear of failure as the reason why they’re not more successful have failed the next step after creating goals… gaining clarity on how to achieve them.

It’s one thing to have goals. It’s another thing entirely to know how you’re going to achieve them.

When you don’t have that clarity, it feels defeating. You don’t know what to do next. You’re looking out into the fog and just guessing.

But once you figure it out, you’ll see exactly what you need to do and feel energized and excited to attack each and every day.

So the key is reverse-engineering your goals down to the smallest actions that create them. I’ve walked you through this process many times before. (Click that link if it doesn’t ring a bell.)

Then commit to those activities as daily disciplines and inject some form of accountability to make sure they get accomplished.