How are you leading your life, business, and family?
In today’s episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, Todd Herman and I are lifting the fog and giving you a powerful framework to lead.
Get comfortable writing pages of notes because Todd is sharing extraordinary strategies and tactics for you to lead and live a better life during this tumultuous time.
He also shares how to master an alter ego and a helpful routine for you to step into your Rockstar greatness!
Listen to the episode and choose two or three actionable steps for you to incorporate into your schedule to lead and live with power and clarity!
In this episode we talk about…
1:42 – Todd Herman shares this powerful framework to live in VUCA times
7:01 – “I gave people real tools to actually lead and live a better life.”
21:27 – Todd shares the lessons learned from publishing Alter Ego and the hacks he’s acquired
27:52 – “Who do I want to be here?”
33:51 – Todd explains that the key to master an alter ego is playfulness and the steps to reach it
50:10 – Listen to how Cary Grant activated to become the person he wanted to be and the lessons you can learn
55:42 – Todd shares how his number 1 value has helped him to bring value
57:54 – Do you have a striving personality?
1:01:12 – Todd shares the genesis of the 90-day year strategy
1:11:08 – Be clear with your performance goals and process strategy