As you probably already know, Success Summit is always one of my FAVORITE weeks that I look forward to all year long. And this year, there’s a special kind of energy buzzing around the room – one of extreme determination that started before the…
Read MoreWhen it comes to real estate networking, it’s the perfect time to make friends, partners, and allies who could give you referrals down the road! Because real estate networking events aren’t just a place where agents are willing to share;…
Read MoreConfirmation feels good. If you’ve been watching my videos or reading this blog recently, you know I’ve been emphasizing the importance of establishing “know, like, and trust” with consumers in your market. So, when I opened the National…
Read MoreWhat is the single most important factor underlying your success in anything you try your hand at? Some might guess skill. Some might guess people skills. And some might guess charisma. But none of those are the actual answer. It’s your energy….
Read MoreWe’re already in Q3, which means it is the time to do your self-audit and ask: What did I do that worked? What didn’t work? Is there anything I’m missing? Am I making my calls? How’s my social media? Are my presentations as strong as…
Read MoreIf you’ve been paying attention, you know the importance of team building in today’s real estate environment. Where you’re going is always largely determined by who you’re going with, so no matter what role you’re hiring for, the people…
Read MoreLet’s just get down to the gritty question…. Are we in a housing correction? If you’ve been keeping up with This Week in Housing, you’ll already know the answer to this one. It’s NO! No, we are not in a housing correction! That last…
Read MoreLast week at BluePrint, I was standing up on stage looking out over the room at so many of my clients and hundreds of the top producing people in real estate when something hit me… It was something I obviously already knew because I stake my life…
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