What you do today shapes your entire next year. While it’s important to savor the holidays, now is the time to put in the work that will set you up for success and save you from stress later. With just weeks left in the year, it’s your chance to…
Watch EpisodeHave you ever seen a fly banging itself against a windowpane? The fly believes that if it just keeps going, just bumps hard enough, it’ll get through. But you know that won’t happen… So why do we mimic this same strategy in our own lives? When…
Watch EpisodeWhat do you want? Do you want more money? Better relationships? A healthier body? You can have anything you want, but it has to be reflected in your actions. If your behaviors don’t change, neither does your situation.
Watch EpisodeWe spend so much time thinking about what we need to do and how to do it. But every now and then we need to step back and ask “why” we’re working so hard. That’s what I want to talk to you about this week – the people and experiences that…
Watch EpisodeWhen the market makes an adjustment, it wouldn’t exactly make sense for us to keep on doing the same thing, would it? We need to adjust, too! In times like this, when I need to make an adjustment, I ask myself, “What decisions have I been…
Watch EpisodeYou may have heard a story (or seen one play out in your life) of two nearly identical people with the exact same situation. But when they come to a fork in the road, one goes down the path of destruction, and the other goes down the path of…
Watch EpisodeWhen the competition heats up, so do the heads of everyone in the room. If someone directs their insecurities or frustrations at you, what do you do? Imagine they were offering you a flower instead of a dig. Do you have to take the flower? What…
Watch EpisodeIs your schedule so full that you don’t know how to keep up with it all? I know mine is jam packed constantly… by design. Why? Because you never know which phone call is going to be the one that changes your life, and I can give you proof of…
Watch EpisodeFailure is only as real as you make it. That’s not some corny line; it’s a fact. You can choose to see failure or choose to see feedback. When you choose feedback, failure isn’t even an option.
Watch EpisodeDo you ever just have crappy days? If you do, I bet it comes back to one of five things that you either skipped or didn’t get enough of. I call these my MEDSS. We all need to take them, because when you get the right dose, every day is a great one.
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