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4 Power Moves for Your Summer Real Estate Takeover

What is a summer real estate takeover?

Regardless of how hot the summer real estate market is in your area, the warmer weather brings a massive opportunity for the crafty agent…

While everyone else is going on vacation and bringing their marketing with them, you have the chance to sweep in and sweep up the business by doubling down on the most effective marketing.

In this episode of This Week in Marketing, Jason Pantana shows you the four power moves of an effective summer real estate takeover. And it doesn’t mean you have to be working all the time! When you run these moves correctly, you can hit the beach while your marketing continues to hit new leads.

Click the link to get started on your summer real estate marketing plan!

In this episode, Jason discusses…

0:00 – Marketing your face off

4:22 – The great brand-builder

8:50 – The most important of all

11:56 – Multi-channel farming

15:35 – On the buy-side


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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!


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