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5 Must-Know Tools for Thoughtful Marketing

What are the best tools for thoughtful marketing that agents can use today for gathering inspiration and standing out in a sea of sameness? 

That’s the question that Jimmy Mackin and I are answering in this episode of the Tom Ferry Show. We’ll show you the exact websites and tools for thoughtful marketing that any agent can access to level up their game and compete like the small percentage of agents listing the majority of homes today. 

You will walk away with a guide for attracting listings at scale so that you don’t just get busy – you stay busy. 

Watch or listen, right now. 

In this episode, we discuss…

0:00 – The Best vs. The Rest

2:25 – A counterintuitive rule

4:50 –

6:20 –

9:40 –

13:50 – Tweet Hunter

16:55 – Dribbble