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Energize Your Language to Activate Your Buyers

Competition is tough out there for agents, sure… but consider what it’s like for buyers right now… Demand is high, inventory is low, and interest rates have interested buyers sitting on the fence.

If you’re going to get them off that fence and into a home, you need to be working with the right knowledge and the right language. Lucky for you, I have Byron Lazine with me to give you some brilliant advice on educating your buyers about their wealth.

Make sure to watch or listen, then start reconsidering your own special language you’re going to bring into conversations.

In this episode, we discuss…

0:00 – It starts with questions

2:15 – Where the arrow points

3:22 – Deliver on the promise first

5:00 – Questions vs Conflict

6:24 – The frustrated buyer

7:51 – Who would get an ARM?

11:06 – The most important skills for now

14:20 – Know what’s going on

15:50 – What BAM is all about