This episode of the podcast is 25 years in the making. That’s how long I’ve known Keven Stirdivant – since he was a cocky 16-year-old kid asking for a job. Keven’s real estate journey is a crazy one, full of ups and downs, but what you’ll gain from hearing it is a crazy level of inspiration as you learn how a shift in mindset brought him across the multi-billion dollar line.
You’ll hear his inspiring story of losing everything when his father went to prison, being backed into a corner when he had his first child, working his way up in my company, and starting KASE Real Estate. Keven’s real estate journey is a testament to the fact that you are not a product of your environment; you’re a product of your goals and mindset.
If you’ve just begun your own real estate journey – or even if you’re just lost in life and considering the possibility of real estate – this is an episode you need to watch.
In this episode, we discuss…
0:00 – Riches to rags to riches
7:18 – Getting into sales
18:15 – The dream plan
26:13 – Choosing sobriety
29:00 – Highs and lows of the sales team
34:35 – Playbook for this market
42:07 – Addiction to past markets
47:50 – Greatness vs. Wellness