Welcome to the Local Business “Leg Up” Challenge.
There are no rules. There’s no hashtag. There are no prizes.
It’s just about doing your part to help fellow entrepreneurs in need.
While we in real estate are fortunate to be able to continue conducting business and triumphing in the face of adversity, many others don’t currently have that opportunity.
And instead of triumph, they’re facing potential tragedy.
I know when I drive around my town, there are lots of small businesses that are closed or operating at much lower capacity than normal. And it’s heartbreaking.
So here’s my challenge to you:
For the first 12 weeks of 2021, feature a local business that could use a “leg up” in some way.
Maybe it’s a treasured local restaurant. A favorite store. Or a service or venue that’s had to close its doors because it’s deemed “non-essential.”
Whatever the case, rally the troops and bring them some much-needed attention.
I’m not saying it has to be a big production. Just make an effort. Shoot a quick video. Write a social post (or two, or three). Feature them in your newsletter or postcards.
Then rinse and repeat with a new business for each of the next 12 weeks.
Why? It’s simple… Because doing the right thing is always the right thing.
Who’s in? Let me know in the comments below, and feel free to share any ideas of what you have in mind!