“Social media content” covers a lot of ground.

The options are virtually unlimited for what to post, how much to post and when to post, and if it wasn’t your business on the line, it might not really matter that much.

But that’s not the case. Your business needs social media, and not just any content, but the right kind of content that attracts new business your way.

Your goal with social media should be to put yourself on the consideration set of the largest number of buyers and sellers in your market possible, right?

So in today’s #TomFerryShow, I’m making it simple. I’m giving you five types of content you should be posting regularly to achieve that goal.

Are you checking all five of these boxes?

Let’s find out!

Social Media Content Category No. 1: Show the Real You

Let’s establish this truism right out of the gate here… People like to do business with people they feel are just like them. You’ll see that applies to several of the content categories throughout today’s show.

The first one is to simply be yourself and don’t be afraid to share that on social.

I’m talking about YOU being YOU

With your family, or traveling, or giving insight into your hobbies or passion projects.

Your soft side, your fun side, your goofy side, and even your pets!

Being yourself on social media is the quickest way to connect with people in the most relatable way possible.

Are you doing this… YES or NO?


Social Media Content Category No. 2: Be the Knowledge Broker

When dealing with one of life’s most precious personal and financial assets, people want to work with an expert.

No surprise there, right?

Social media gives you an incredible opportunity to demonstrate your real estate expertise with concise, educational content.

You can go big picture and create a video or blog on “Everything I’ve Learned About Real Estate in My [X] Years in the Business.”

Or you can get more specific and create content based on “10 Things Every Buyer Should Know Before Making a Move in [Your Market]” or “21 Mistakes Sellers Make When Listing Their Home in [Your Market].”

Virtually everything that you explain to a prospect, a buyer or a seller is a potential piece of social media content. You know this stuff inside and out, but don’t wait until you’re working with a client to show it off.

Then there’s one topic that’s pretty much a non-negotiable… Everyone should be putting out regular Market Updates that talk about the new properties that hit the market, how many are pending, how many sold, the price per square foot, etc. in your market.

Believe me… Local homeowners want that information, and if you deliver it to them on a regular, recurring basis, you are going to win big in this business. Be the educator I know you can be.

Are you doing this… YES or NO?