Let’s break down some numbers really quick…

There are somewhere around 1.5 million licensed agents in the U.S.

But of those, only 57% have actually transacted a deal this year.

So there’s approximately 850,000 agents handling this crazy market we’re in right now.

And as I look out on everything going on, I can’t help but see two entirely different types of agents

Let’s talk about it.

Who Are These Two Groups?

The first group are those agents who are trying to do it all themselves, and because their productivity is tied directly to their own actions, they’re STUCK. They’re already very busy, and there’s simply no time for them to possibly achieve more.

The second group are those who recognize the tremendous opportunities in today’s market and are actively taking steps to SCALE every facet of their business…

  • Their brand – and along with it, the trust they’ve built in their communities
  • The number of appointments they’re going on
  • The number of listings they’re taking
  • The size of their team, hiring assistants, a transaction coordinator, more sales agents or marketing help
  • Their market share
  • Their total transactions
  • Their GCI and bottom-line income
  • Their quality of life

It’s obvious which group you want to be a part of.

But… which group are you actually in? Think about it and let me know below.

Get Out of the “It’s Gotta Be Me” Mindset

Far too many agents I know believe things like, “Well, I’m the only one who will do this paperwork the right way.”

In the process, they’re stifling their growth.

It doesn’t matter if you do paperwork better than anyone. Who cares? It’s not getting you where you want to go.

I’ve heard a stat that there are 11 hours of “work” involved to close out a file during every side of a real estate transaction. How many of those 11 hours are you involved in? The best answer here is, “None, Tom! I outsource it all!”

What’s your answer?